High School Students!
Please join us this summer for an exciting opportunity to learn, explore, and create ART in art studios and facilities at East Tennessee State University!From June 21- July 23, 2010 Summer Arts for High School Students at ETSU offers students from grades 9-12 the opportunity to explore various art forms in depth. Students of all experience levels are invited to participate; instruction will be individualized and geared towards the student’s level.
Each one-week session consists of a 3 hour morning class, a break for lunch, and a 3 hour afternoon class. Each day will end with a recreational session at the Center for Physical Activity at ETSU. Classes will change each week.
Students can explore diverse offerings including Jewelry/Metals; Printmaking; Green (environmentally friendly) Art; various kinds of sculpture; mixed media painting; digital photography; hand building in clay; and animation with Photoshop.
All classes will be taught by experienced artists, by either ETSU Department of Art and Design graduate students or instructors.
Materials for all classes will be provided, although students taking digital photography must provide a digital camera. Students should dress casually and should bring an old work shirt to throw on, in case you will be using messy materials!
At the end of the summer session, all students will have artwork included in an exhibition in Slocumb Galleries, in Ball Hall, the home of the Department of Art and Design at ETSU.
For registration information, please contact the Office of Professional Development at ETSU, 423-439-8084. For information about specific classes, please contact the Department of Art and Design at ETSU, 423-439-4247.
Please register early, as class sizes are limited!